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Planet Patrol

Planet Patrol is a way for individuals to get involved in helping take care of their environment!

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Actions that Planet Patrol CAN be responsible for:

  • Cleaning up areas on their own time, and weighing their debris that can be added to our monthly total 

  • Support us by sharing our social media posts

  • Support us in inviting people to educational events, beach cleanups, and other initiatives 

  • Support us in fundraising efforts by making a contribution themself or sharing with people that can make contributions

  • Supporting Zero Debris as a whole or any Zero Debris Chapter of their choice

  • Have enrolling conversations that can translate into more people taking on environmental friendly lifestyle, volunteers for events, team support roles, or even the creation of more Zer0 Debris Chapters

  • Enroll or put us in contact with organizations and businesses that can serve as partners, sponsors or friends of Zero Debris

  • Put us in contact with outlets Zero Debris can use for media exposure

Sign Me Up!

Join The Planet Patrol

Help take care of the environment!

Thanks for submitting!

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  • Twitter

Zer0 Debris is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Zer0 Debris are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Zer0 Debris' tax identification number is 82-5375287


Donations are used for a variety of expenses - our website, social media campaigns, supplies such as grabbers, buckets, bags and so much more. We appreciate any amount donated.


$5 = 1lb of Debris collected


©2019-2025 Designed by Tristan Kendall | Versatile Village

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